Sunny here, just popping in with some exciting updates!
Recording for season 2 of Naughty Talk is well underway with a goal of a release in October which, fun fact, is my favorite month of the year. I’m so excited for all of our new and returning guests and cast members! Check out the album cover below for the new season!
This month I’m adding CONsolation to the list of organizations I’m teaching/hosting events with. Super excited about my Sensual Movement and Dance for Trance class at the end of this month (for members).
Book 4 in my Turn the Key Series, Banish the Light, is live!! The free book deal at the beginning of this month for Book 1 in the series, Turn the Key, was a success with hundreds of downloads and I’m so excited to welcome new readers to the series!
Still not sure what’s in store for fall events but there are some ideas percolating so stay tuned and don’t forget to sign up for my mailing list to receive updates by e-mail about events, new books, and even receive surprise free erotica! Click here to sign up!