Hello! So many happenings this fall!!!!
On September 17th at 8pm EST Naughty Talk will be having a cast reunion, live virtual event hosted by the CONsolation server! CONsolation is a kinky and inclusive space on discord and will be hosting lots of wonderful classes and events this fall! Click here to join the server! Please note you must age verify to join at least 24 hours before your first event. List of events (subject to change) below!
Also on September 17th at 3pm EST Sunny and VDMAC will be teaching a live virtual sensual BDSM class hosted by west coast dungeon Black Thorn! It’s not too late to get tickets. Click here for tickets!
Next up is the Naughty Talk season 2 release starting on October 4th! Our season premiere will feature Knot_Head and I couldn’t be more excited! Now is a great time to catch up on season 1, free and available now on most popular podcast platforms. Click here to have a listen on Soundcloud!
Last but certainly not least, I’m thrilled to announce that I (Sunny) and VDMAC will be teaching two super fun classes at KinkyCon NH this year. This is one of the most highly anticipated lifestyle events of the year, taking place in Manchester NH Nov 11-13! It’s not too late to get tickets at the time of posting but they are going like hotcakes so don’t wait to get yours here! Sunny and Mac will be teaching on primal play and dollification but there are many other amazing classes going on too!
The same weekend as KinkyCon Panda and Hypnostory will be teaching virtually with another great convention (virtual) Kink Between the lines. The con states “We are an always online conference that aims to provide the platform for and intentionally hold spaces that center marginalized perspectives and topic matters that are generally given the backseat.” More information here!