Happy Thanksgiving! Traveling? New Podcast Episode Live!

Click Here for the episode 338 of Perverted Podcast featuring Sunny! This weeks episode contains an original piece of erotica written by Sunny- her take on Red Riding Hood. Sunny’s first episode as a host, listen to her talk about unicorn hunting and the difficulties this poses to dating in the bisexual community.

Brand Spanking New-Kink Weekly

Check out Sunny’s featured erotica in Kink Weekly (Week of Nov 1st edition). Free to read, check out the story of Babygirl’s first visit to a BDSM club. Read it here!


GIVEAWAY ALERT!!! Sunny Leigh Mayne is new to the publishing world and would like to celebrate the publication of her new book, Turn the Key, and build her followers/email list!  Entering is easy! Just like/follow her AUTHOR Facebook Page at https://www.facebook.com/Sunny-Leigh-Mayne-108844494883348 and Click the “Email List Yay!” Button to sign up for her email list… Continue reading GIVEAWAY ALERT!!!!

Hello world!

Welcome to my page everyone! I’m finally getting it up and running! Getting the word out about books with adult content is a tricky business. Sites are willing to sell erotica but won’t allow it to be advertised. If you’ve made it here, thank you so much for your support! Explore the site, check out… Continue reading Hello world!