So much has been going on recently! Time for an update and some exciting announcements.
Sunny’s newest book is nearly ready for release! Turn the Key Book 4, Banish the Light is due back from the editor any day now! Finals revisions and cover art are underway. Scroll down for a sneak peak at the working version of the cover! Book four will explore where vampire fetish, blood play, energy work, and sanguivore culture intersect! As always, the steam factor will be intense, and there will be a very dark twist!
Kink School 2022 was a success. All of the Naughty Talk regular cast members presented classes and we had a blast doing it! It was so nice to meet new folks, check out for more information about events on that platform. They happen on a rolling basis and I’m excited to be a Kink School educator!
The Naughty Talk Podcast is well underway! We’ve been so excited to work with new guests and look forward to airing episodes featuring new and amazing kinksters and kink educators! We also have some upcoming write-ins featuring questions that we think our listeners will enjoy hearing the answers too. We’re always looking to engage our listeners and have some new ways to participate in the pipeline, so stay posted for more details!