Interested in my newest work? Salt is about 50% complete and I did set it aside for a few months. Naughty Talk isn’t going away either, we’re having some turnover in our regular cast and I’ve got some ideas for a new season percolating. Recently, I’ve been doing a lot of kink education, but also attending to some matters in my personal life. I’ve really needed some time for self reflection and hope to turn my mind back to my creative pursuits soon. Here’s a little journal entry that offers a snapshot of where my head has been at:
“I Haven’t Been Writing”
I haven’t been writing. Not out here in the world. I’ve been dreaming instead. I’ve been doing shadow work. Soul searching. I’ve been uncovering desire.
I haven’t been scribbling words on a page, or even reading books. I’ve been reading the words written across my heart. Sorting through the ones scrambled in my mind and bringing them to order.
I haven’t been plotting fantasy, chapters left abandoned in my most recent work of fiction. I’ve been planning. Planning a future. Like my love encourages, manifesting a life that I don’t need an escape from.
I haven’t been pouring out feelings onto a page. I’ve been processing them. Healing. I’ve been living, being present in the moment. I’ve been appreciating the moments of joy the universe has offered me after so much grief, and hurt, and strife.
So I guess, in a way I have been writing. I’ve been writing my own next chapter with intent and focus. I know how my story ends, with my last breath. Until then there are stories left to live, and stories left to tell. And yes, soon there will be stories to write, out there in the world.
Love, Sunny